Our proposal consists to link the notions of interdisciplinary education and culture events into a social body as the campus on the Island of Povegelia. After learning the history of the place, one becomes aware of the complex artefact that is has become over time and the successive occupation in the lagoon of Venice. Our design hypothesis is drawn on the exiting traces of this unique site. One main goal is to merge the topographic ground with the old entities in conjunction with new structures of the Island. Therefore, we are proposing a building composed in evolving layers that are disposed together in this specific topological landscape connected to the old hospital so they could form a new complex. While linking those paths and structures we interconnect the past with the future and keeping the memory of this place.
The prime design concern is the carful study of the needs for the new campus while shaping the program by using Architectural and Landscape. In the process of designing this project, we attended to increase the the importance of the natural environment. At first Glimpse, Povegelia Island seems to hold a static border between land and water. The edge of the island operates in a micro scale that comes into the design process. We propose a building that is compact and open, divided and unified, connecting and overlapping. It creates a consolidated public space in an inner patio. This continuum of educational and cultural spaces offers a variety of possibilities for people by creating a pleasant and inviting learning environment to create new experiences.